Chandra N. Sapkota
9th March, 2011
Relevance of “The Common Sense” in the Middle-East Political Revolution
People of Middle East and Africa are finding Thomas Paine’s “The Common Sense” very relevant to the present day as most of them are going through similar kind of fight for freedom. They have realized that they have been unjustly ruled. As Paine mentions that Britain, in the name of mother country, exploited the United States, the rulers in Arabian and African countries have been blamed for keeping all revenue from oil to themselves and/or to their close relatives. During Paine’s time, people of America were trying to get away from control of foreign power that is Britain and be a free country. Similar to that, people of countries like Libya, Egypt, Yemen and other countries are trying to get their freedom from their tyrant rulers. “The Common Sense” makes very good sense in today’s world where people of different countries are fighting for their freedom from their tyrant rulers.
People of those countries have realized that they have been living under illusion of prosperity. “Alas! we have been long led away by ancient prejudices and made large sacrifice to superstition (Paine 708)”. These people tolerated their rulers in the name of religion and false ambitions shown on the false premises by those tyrants. The people trusted their rulers as their guardian but the rulers betrayed. This is similar to what Paine describes as Britain not anymore mother country but killers of American people for its sole profit.
People of countries like Libya tried to get their rights to freedom and democracy by negotiations and other peaceful ways including dialogues. But the regime never respected their voices. Their demands remained unfulfilled. This is just as Paine writes, “Arms as the last resource decide the contest; the appeal was the choice of the King, and the continent has accepted the challenge (Paine 707)”. Of course, for these people wanted to avoid taking up arms, but they had no other options remained. Taking the help of arms is their last resort, without which they will not realize their freedom as the dictators are determined to keep using the armed forces to keep oppressing the people.
People through-out the Middle Eastern countries and some African countries are frustrated with the tyrant rules. As Paine said” O! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been hunted round the globe (Paine 712). They have united now to overcome the oppressor and keep fighting for their freedom until they get it. They have realized that if they do not do it now, it is going to be late. They do not want their and their future generations’ freedom to be hunted.
Even though, centuries have passed since Paine wrote “The Common Sense”, but the content and context are still valid in present day. People in the Middle Eastern countries and some African countries are still fighting for their freedom from dictators as Americans were fighting for their freedom from Britain. It is common sense that every human being are born free and have the right to live a life of freedom but because of the tyrant rulers people need to fight for their freedom and overturn those villains. These evidences suggest that Paine’s “The Common Sense” is very closely relevant to the events taking place in Middle Eastern and African countries.
Work Cited
Paine, Thomas. “The Common Sense.” The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed.Nina Baym. 6th ed. Vol.A. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2003. 706-712.Print.
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