Be Vigilant for Earthquake Relief Fund!

It is a very important time in Nepal's history. If leaders want themselves to be seen in the future of Nepal's politics, they have to prove their presence in everyday people's lives. Right now, Nepalese are helpless as they are trying to figure out the impact of earthquake in their lives. Once Nepalese recover from this crisis, they are going to be stronger than ever. They are going to look for answers for actions of each politicians. If politicians try to misuse the earthquake relief fund for their own interest, we the Nepalese have to punish those culprits so hard that no body in the future can ever attempt to do so. There are already reports of government authorities misusing funds or not providing needed support to people in desperate needs. Young leaders have to be very vigilant about the support coming to Nepal and its proper use. Good governance is must for new Nepal! Government officials, prove yourselves that you serve people not people serve you, if not, new generation will wipe-out all of you and that can be worse than this earthquake!!!

Whole world is watching Nepal. International communities are supporting Nepal with warms hearts. It is Nepal's turn to prove that we can utilize these fund properly for the proper cause. We need to prove that we are capable of managing crisis like this. We are Gorkhali's. We are not selfish. We live for the betterment of all human being. We help the world to be a better place to live in. Now, the crisis has fallen in our courtyard. We need provide the return for international communities investment in us. The return to our investors is simple; hungry person gets food, disable helps support, sick person gets medical treatment, lost child unites with his parents and every penny is utilized for the cause the investment was intended for.
It is time for us to form community based monitoring committees. Civil participation will help to bring transparency in the distribution of relief funds and carry-out rebuilding of New Nepal. The process of rescue, recovery and rebuilding may take long time and it is vital that we the people are vigilant through-out this process. The day we are passive, governments like ours who have track records of being weak in delivering public services can take advantages of our passiveness. It is also important that international communities ask for transparency and accountability from government of Nepal for all the support they provide.
Let's help all people in need from the bottom of the heart, let's keep aside all politics, disagreements and make this rescue, recovery and rebuilding process for Nepal and Nepalese a smooth transition. Pray for recovery of Nepal!
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