India's blockade to Nepal is inhuman. It is hypocrite to say India is a democratic country and interferes in some other country's independent democratic process. The blockade started when Nepal passed its' new constitution. India wanted Nepal to be Hindu Kingdom. People of Nepal, by election decided that Nepal wants to be secular country. India did not like this. India carried out blockade against Nepal. Listening at Indian media it seems like they are worried that their monopoly in Nepal will be in jeopardy! People are suffering from post earthquake recovery. It has not even been six months after 7.8 magnitude of earthquake, India blockades all borders to Nepal. It is important to mention that Nepal borders three sides with India and China on the North. China is towards the mountain side, so it is difficult to transport gas, food and other necessary things from North side. There has been numerous media reports that India is sending paid vigilantes in Nepal to create more chaos.
It is time to speak-up! It is time to let the world know how India is creating humanitarian crisis in Nepal. It is time to let the world know about Indian Primeminister's hypocrisy on promoting good neighborhood, but blocking landlocked country from any supply of gas, food and daily necessary things. Mr. Modi's intention is to colonize Nepal. Nepal has never been colonized by any other country-Never! Nepalese have been helping India to safeguard its' borders as Gurkhas. India is taking advantage of the situation.
It is also important to mention here that people in Terai are not really supporting this revolution because they understand, but they are under pressure. They are just voiceless. They can not speak against Indian authority.
This is time for Nepali leaders to be constructive. Know good neighbors. Find alternate ways. Find ways to be self-sufficient. Have very good memorandum of understanding with China and India and explore other alternatives. It is time for so called donor agencies to support Nepal in real ground. Advocacy does not give food to hungry people. We need help in finding self-reliance options.

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